Hellooo October Blue Ladies..

Too often I found myself admiring fashion from a distance, thinking that I need a special occasion for a new dress or I need to lose weight or get a decent tan. I am here to convince you that every day, every single day is that special occasion!

Don’t wait until you reach your goal weight, or get a new haircut. It all begins the moment you decide to embrace your inner bombshell Beyonce and the rest will follow. Make your move today ladies, your future self will thank you for it!

Being a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal, I gradually pushed the limits of my fashion comfort zone. Don’t get me wrong, I have always been a low key fashionista in my own right but I just felt it was time to BLOOM. You know that picture you have of your ideal self as a confident, glowing and radiant woman. Begin to chase exactly that!

Banish the supermodel- photoshopped -ideologies from your mind and reclaim your own beauty. If you’ve got the lips, pucker up with ultra red lipstick, if you’ve got the hips, hug them with a flattering dress, whatever you got (and we all have something) let that be your focus! Make yourself a priority because it’s the longest commitment you will ever make.

I am super excited about my blog, my shop but mostly I am thrilled to be part of an amazing group of women who celebrate the beauty of life!

Thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart!

My collection of treasures